Free Art For Change

The Lines of Resistance Warehouse Gallery

FREE USE Original cartoons, illustrations & photos for your Good Work for Progressive change.

Art For Change Straight From The “” Sketchbook. New cartoons, illustrations and photos will be posted regularly.

All artwork and photos by Mark Taylor, who began doing political art in the late 1970s for The Albuquerque Tribune and freelance work for a variety of publications over the years, including Public Citizen and two progressive websites he began. All work is offered free. Please note terms of use at the bottom of this page.

Note: If you do not find what you need in the current collection, contact me and I might be able to help, with the understanding the work would most likely need to be open source and – in the spirit of the mutual aid needed at this time of crisis – made available for others to use.

Your guide to pages…

  • Psych for Change: There are simple ways to amplify and make political messaging and organizing more effective. The right has mastered the art. Time for progressives to upgrade their game.
  • Why DeMOCKracy: The first step to fixing a problem is to properly identify it. One of the first things to realize is that we do not live in a democracy.
  • Inky Trail: The history of political cartooning and art provides lessons for today in upending corrupt power in the quest for justice and equality.
  • Cartoon Power: The boxing ring of political cartooning and commentary can be a bruising place. I share some of my experiences in the ring of splattered ink.bbbbbbnnmn


(click on images below to visit each gallery)


Bankers & Wall Street


Bomb Trains

Civil Liberties

Courts & "Just-Us"

Death Culture






Flag Imagery & American Symbols


Gun Culture




Police State





Scott Walker


Voting Rights

War State

Wisconsin State Capitol

Women's Issues

‘DeMOCKracy’ Cartoons/Photos & Terms of Use

Original cartoons, illustrations and photos by Mark Taylor posted on “” website, Substack and “Free Art For Change” are open source and free for use by progressive groups, publications and other worthy causes. The artwork may not be altered, edited or relabeled without approval of the artist.

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